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ISO Classification
The Estacada Rural Fire District No. 69 has received the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of Class 3/10W/10. This new rating will go into effect on February 1, 2017. ISO currently evaluates 48,592 fire departments in the United States, with only 4,607 of them receiving a classification of 3 or better. This places Estacada Fire in the top 9% of all fire departments in the United States. This rating reflects the hard work and dedication of members of Estacada Fire who are committed to our vision of being a premier agency and model within the fire service.
Fire departments across the nation are rated by ISO to determine a Public Protection Classification (PPC) number on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the very best and 10 representing less than minimum recognized fire protection. Most major insurance carriers use the PPC in calculating your fire insurance premiums. In general, the price of fire insurance in a community with a good PPC is substantially lower than in a community with a poor PPC.
Estacada Rural Fire District has received what is known as a dual rating. The two ratings apply to different properties within the fire district boundaries, based on road miles from a fire station. There is also an additional sub-classification of 10w which applies to properties between these areas. This rating gives credit for water supply which is brought to the scene by our water tenders.
Class 3 – This rating applies to properties within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station. 93.5% of the structures within the Fire District receive this rating.
Class 10w – This rating applies to properties between 5 to 7 road miles of a recognized fire station. 5.9% of the structures within the Fire District receive this rating.
Class 10 – This rating applies to properties further than 7 road miles from a recognized fire station. 1.6% of the structures within the Fire District receive this rating.
This rating is an improvement from the previous classification (4/5/10) assigned to Estacada Rural Fire District. This new rating also gives credit for more recognized fire stations including the George Community Fire Station. Residents in George community can expect their ratings to improve from a 10 to a 3. Properties that are outside the city limits for the City of Estacada, but within 5 road miles of a recognized fire station will see an improvement from a 5 to a 3. Properties inside the City of Estacada will see an improvement from a 4 to a 3.
This new ISO classification of 3/10 will save the residents of Estacada Rural Fire District significant money on their fire insurance premiums. We suggest that residents contact their insurance providers to learn more about the savings possible with this new rating. More information about ISO and the classification process is available at

Map available for download below. Please download the map to see address points in 10w and 10 areas.
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